5 Cute Outfit Ideas You Probably Already Own

We’ve all been there, staring at our closets or tearing apart our drawers thinking I have nothing to wear!

We sit with a blank stare wishing there was a way to make more money so we could afford dressing like our favorite celebrity style crush. Sound familiar? We tend to get easily bored with our wardrobe as new trends arrive on our news feed each week and lose our inspiration for what we already own.

Inspired to help I have come up with 5 cute outfit ideas you probably already own to get you feeling better about what you do have.

And to be completely honest, great style is curated over time and while you may think you need a wardrobe overhaul for each new season that approaches, I personally believe that is not necessary if you work on developing a signature style. Focus on developing a personal sense of style and you will create your best outfits with what already exist in your closet with only a few new additions needed each season.

On that note, let’s begin with the suggestions below!

1.) The Basic Top (t-shirt or sweater in colder months) + Dressy Bottom

We all own a basic t-shirt (or basic sweater for colder months) and pairing it with a dressy bottom (pant or skirt) is one way to have cute outfit ideas instantly created with what already exists in our closet. This look works almost anywhere- a causal workplace, drinks with your girlfriends or even a first date! It’s the perfect balance between looking casual and dressy. Note: Flat shoes work really well with these outfit combinations as well if you’re not into sky-high heels.

cute outfit ideas t-shirt pant Cute Outfit Ideas


(Note: Could not find original source for 2nd image with lace skirt)

2.) Wear All Black with a Lighter Colored Shoe (preferably nude)

All black everything is a fashion girls best friend. For a quick, chic look wear it for your top and bottom with a lighter colored shoe (nude is a great choice). Note: A nude shoe makes almost any single color outfit look amazing so feel free to use whatever you have available such as an all white look.

cute outfit ideas black nude shoes

(Note: Could not find original source)

3.) Tie a Denim Jacket or Plaid Shirt Around Your Hip

Take your favorite denim jacket or plaid shirt and tie it around your hip or waist to make your most basic looks instantly cool.

cute outfit ideas denim on waiste


4.) Maxi Dress + Leather Jacket

We all own at least a dozen Maxi dresses and leather jackets are a must have staple in most closets. Add the two together for an effortlessly chic look.

cute outfit ideas maxi dress


5.) When all else fails…Let Your Accessories Steal the Show!

When cute outfit ideas are limited you can always lean on accessories to be the star of the show. A great pair of statement earrings or necklace will always do the trick as well.

cute outfit ideas earrings


Were these tips helpful? Let me know in the comments below, I’d love to receive your feedback!


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